Investing in Retail Tech Trends- Are you there yet?

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Let us take a flashback to ten years, did anyone imagine an online clothing brand? Or a portal where you could buy your groceries? Well, someone did imagine that leading to the rise of a plethora of online retail stores today. Right from the traditional stores to the online retail businesses, the retail industry has truly come a long way. So, what next? Imagine instead of going to the personal designer or nearby boutique several times to get your perfect dress ready, what if a celebrity designer designs your personalized wardrobe online? This is made possible today, thanks to technology. The technological disruptions are shaping up almost every field of business and retail industry is no exception. So, if you want your retail business to be growing in future, you must not miss out on these latest retail tech trends in retail industry which are going to shape its future.

  1. Personalization – The Internet of ‘Me’

Personalization has always been the focus of marketers since ages, but it is going to be radically looked at in the coming time. As ‘Internet of things’ has helped bring digital and physical worlds closer, it eventually will give rise of the ‘internet of me’, i.e. it will be build up ways to dig deeper into people’s lifestyles, measure their preferences and accordingly help retailers build their market around it. Thus, personalization becomes one of the latest retail tech trends, personalization techniques can immensely help retailers in building up personalization strategies for products as well as delivery channels. In turn, this will help retain their customers, tap on the potential clientele and be the trendsetter.

  1. Voice Search 

The Amazon Alexa or Google maps are being used for solely listening to preferred music or getting directions to reach our destinations, but will soon carve out the way ahead for retail purchase as well. Voice search will take over almost every aspect of the online world, thus SEO will shape up as Voice SEO. This is because of the unprecedented use of voice technologies in routine life by today’s generation. Voice SEO is one of the latent retail tech trends that will soon take the lead.

  1. Lifestyle Marketing
  1. The retail industry must realize that the purchasing power lies in the hands of the millennial generation. Millenials, as a generation, are driving a huge chunk of marketing in the retail industry.They are not conservative customers but rather are open to exploring, experimenting new stuff every now and then. This generation always looks for things that are personalized to their needs while being trendy in the market. For them, memories count more than mere ‘possessions’. So, marketers in retail industry must be aware of their needs and preferences. Their marketing style should focus on storytelling methodology, as lifestyle marketing is the emerging retail tech trend. The key here is to make the best use of technology like 360° video and AI-powered marketing automation platforms to tell their stories in an innovative and exciting manner.

Thus, the trends in retail marketing won’t see a drastic change, but its manner of execution will change.

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